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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Defination of Halal

The Definition Of Halal
• Halal is an Arabic word that carries the meaning allowed or permitted.
• Does not apply to food only but also to relationship between people, clothing, business, occupation, finances, investment etc.
Halal Food
• Does not contain any ingredient from any part or product of animals that are considered non halal to Muslims by Islamic Law or products of animals which are not slaughtered according to Islamic Law.
• Does not contain any ingredient that are najs to Islamic Law.
• Has not been prepared, processed or manufactured using appliances that is contaminated with anything that are najs according to Islamic Law.
• Is not in direct contact with najs in the course of preparation, processing and storing.
According To Imam Shafie Najs Is:
• Animals that are called najs "mughallazah" ("mughallazah" which is considered as severe najs are dogs and pigs including any liquid and object discharged from their orifices, descendants and derivatives).
• Carcass except fish and grasshoppers.
• Animals which are considered repulsive such as lice, flies.
• Animals with fang such as lions, tigers, bears and other similar animals.
• Birds of prey with claws which eat by catching and snatching such as eagles.
• Poisonous animals that can cause complication or are hazardous to health.
• Animals that live in two habitats (amphibians), both land and water such as frogs.
• All types of solid by product of digestion, urine, placenta and blood except heart and liver.
• All types of drinks or beverages that can cause intoxication.
Main Things That Are Prohibited In Diet And Consumption.
• Animals that are halal for consumption but not slaughtered according to the Islamic Law.
• Blood and everything that falls in the same category as it is.
• Najs Mughallazah.
• Alcoholic drink and everything that can cause intoxication.
Negative Effect Of Consuming The Prohibited (towards the individual)
• The heart will be hardened (one would really be stubborn).
• One has no interest to show devotion and be devoted to Allah.
• One has less energy to be used towards worshipping Allah and doing good.
• The mind becomes really slow and thus will affect the process of learning.
• The mind becomes indecisive and bad at making decisions.
• One has no desire to be generous or kind to others.
• One has no love to share with others.
Prepared by:
Hj Yunus Bin Haji Alias AMP, PPT.
Chief Assistant Director,
Research Division,
State of Perak Islamic Religious Department.

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